Friday, June 14, 2013

About the book 'Scatterlings' for migrants from Southern Africa

I grew up on a farm on the Lesotho border  - where I visually imbibed
 the rich textures, dramatic cloud formations, golden wheat fields
 and dolomite 'koppies' as my childhood vista. 

This was juxtaposed against the routine of boarding school in a small 
Freestate town.

In my adult life I hailed from Hilton -South Africa and now reside in 
Auckland  - New Zealand- a large sprawling city with sea views in almost 
every direction.

I spent the last 18 months working on my book - which I believe will be 
beneficial for South Africans at home and abroad as emigration impacts 
our lives whether we leave SA or stay at home and lose loved ones to
I see us as the 'shrapnelled society" - Within the book I chronicle my 
early  years as a farm child through to adulthood in South Africa followed
 by my  'Aha Moment' to emigrate.  

Psychological knowledge and skills are used to provide a Process
 section as a facilitation tool for migrants who go through stages of grief 
and adaptation. 

Others' stories are blended into the book, including children's tales 
and perceptions. Those who share their stories, have hailed from 
Rhodesia and South Africa and have settled in places like Peru, 
New Zealand, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, England, Canada, USA 
and Kenya.

A South African time line from Khoi Khoi to current includes a 
political/historical background plus articles by well known SA writers, 
political figure heads and projectionists- which enhances the readers 
understanding of the complexity of the SA story.
The book concludes with poetry about Africa, some favourite 
traditional recipes and an epilogue.

My Bio- I'm passionate about humanity and worked with 
underprivileged and disabled children in South Africa for many years.

I'm a special needs' teacher, expressive therapist and psychologist, 
currently practicing as an educational psychologist in Auckland. 
I'm a freelance writer and since emigrating 5 years ago, have taken
 up the mantle as an advocate for the migrant population whom I 
support and assist during their complex transition, adaptation and 
acculturation. I see my book as part of my own healing journey; 
and in the tapestry, woven with others' stories, others and I have 
found solace and strength through connectivity and identification.

My wish is that anyone who reads this book finds strength and healing 
through its contents... Namaste


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