Sunday, January 22, 2012

Saffers, Zimbos & Namibians Expat Stories

Hello out there !

My book 'Scatterlings - A Tapestry of Afri-Expat Tales' is making great strides... it was initially about AfriKiwi Tales... then it became AfriKiwiOz Tales... but as More Saffer expats from other corners of the globe, such as from the UK, USA and Dubai, have shared an interest in wanting to contribute a snippet of their life experiences/journeys about emigrating from Southern Africa, the name continues to morph...


People out there who want to share their poems, lyrics, short tales, or their favourite handed down Southern African-recipes, for example in my book, (which encompasses my own story, the emigration process from a psychological paradigm and a time-line chapter on political/historical reviews, articles and media reports in Southern Africa from Alan Paton to the present....amongst other chapters, should be ready for publication before the end of 2012 ...) ...are still most welcome to.
I am also keen to hear the stories 'Out the mouths of babes' for the chapter of that title... irrespective if from a 3 year old or a teen... their voices need to be heard regarding their passions, joys and pains, stress, trauma and emotions in their previous land, and likewise regarding their adaptation to a new land; about their perceptions and reflections, what they like/dislike or miss... the process through their eyes...

I can be emailed on if you want more info etc or wish to submit a few lines of your own for sharing. 

The integrity and authenticity of contributions will be respected. I will have the right to edit work and only include work which retains some level of sensitivity, and is in no way inflammatory. Any contributors would have their inserts previewed by themselves.

Contributions may be anonymous, just initials, new city & country or full names as by personal request.

Primary contributors would be mentioned in the Acknowledgements and would receive a discount on the purchase price of the book.

Thank you ! Dankie !  Yabonga !Kia Ora !


Eve Hemming

Psychologist and published freelance writer.

KZN, SA  (1950-2008) to NZ  (2008-present)...

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